Projects in Schools
As part of the following three projects, members of the public health committee visit elementary or high school students in order to spread awareness of having a good diet and life habits (Curious Eaters), of better understanding mental disorders (OSMOSE) and also of developing their self-esteem (Proud and Fit).
Two recurrent SCOPH projects are organized each year, namely Bonbons Bons Dons and the Languages Day.
Bonbons Bons Dons: This annual activity of the public health committee aims to raise awareness in the community about organ donation. Every year on Halloween, students dress up as zombies and roam the streets and public places to educate people and get them to sign their organ donation cards.
Languages Day: Kiosks, express language courses, and conferences are organized to raise students’ awareness on issues that have an impact on the experience of the health system such as literacy, the challenges of communication for new immigrants, and the impossibility to express oneself in one’s mother tongue.
Coming this year: In addition to these recurring activities, periodic activities on eco-anxiety, environmental health, access to health care for marginalized populations and antibiotic resistance will take place this year.
Conferences are organized in the different campuses of IFMSA-Quebec about topics such as mental health, bioethics, pharmaceutical marketing, different health systems, epidemic management and climate change.
Thematic Days
international days related to public health are highlighted by various campaigns and activities: World Mental Health Day, World Diabetes Day, World Cancer Day, World No Tobacco Day, etc.
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