The Quebec division of the International Federation of Medical Students' Associations
IFMSA-Quebec forms the international division of the FMEQ, the entity representing the voice of the 4 medical associations in Quebec and of their delocalized campuses. Since 2002, IFMSA-Quebec ardently defends the interests of its members regarding issues of social, cultural and global health on the national and international scenes with the objective of forming young doctors for whom the stethoscope is a tool for change.
Present in 7 campuses across Quebec and New-Brunswick
Each campus is representing by a campus coordinator who supervises the activities that occur on their campus.
More than 140 exchanges abroad every year
About 30 countries are available to host the students of our faculties.
There's a country for everyone!
6 peer education projects
Our different committees regroup students of all types around problems of global health.
Our Mission
By the organization of mobilization and sensitization project, international exchange programs and position papers, IFMSA-Quebec allows medical students to further learn about social, cultural and global issues in health, all while getting involved in their community.
Activities and Committees
IFMSA-Quebec is composed of 8 committees, 5 of which are project committees and 3 of which are exchange committees.
Our five project committees take concrete action at the provincial level to promote health and education among medical students and the general population.
Our three exchange committees are the committees of professional exchanges, of research exchanges and of international initiatives. These committees respectively propose exchanges in the clinical, laboratory and immersion settings.
What is IFMSA-Quebec
Our Campuses
As the international branch of the Médicale Étudiante du Québec (FMEQ), IFMSA-Quebec regroups all medical students in Quebec among its members; the organization is therefore represented on each medical campus in Quebec.
Université Laval
McGill University
Université de Montréal
Université de Sherbrooke
Recognition of territories
- Gatineau: Anishinabewaki, Kanienʼkehá꞉ka et Omàmìwininìwag
- Montréal (Tio’tia:ke): Haudenosaunee et Kanienʼkehá꞉ka
- Moncton: Wabanaki et Mi’kma’ki
- Québec: Wendake-Nionwentsïo
- Sherbrooke: Wabanaki, Abenaki et Arosaguntacook
- Saguenay: Innu et Wendake-Nionwentsïo
- Trois-Rivières: Atikamekw et Abénaki
Dare to make a difference.
Latest News
The permanent blog of Quebec medical students interested in social, cultural and global health issues.
Our Partners
The organizations below are crucial partners with IFMSA-Quebec. Thank to their support, IFMSA-Quebec is able to offer your numerous services.
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