What Is SCORE?

IFMSA-Quebec’s Standing Committee on Research Exchange (SCORE) organizes very interesting exchange internships every year. Each year, more than 50 people from Quebec can participate in international experiences. Taking part in the exchange program is not only an opportunity for immersion in medicine, but it is also an opportunity to gain an unforgettable cultural discovery. Around 30 countries are available to welcome students from our faculties. There is something for everyone! IFMSA-Quebec’s research exchanges are diversified, and they offer people who are curious and ready to discover the world an exciting opportunity to understand medicine from a different perspective!


The committee aims to provide an opportunity for medical students around the world to participate in an IFMSA research exchange program and to offer an educational and cultural experience that goes beyond the framework of the regular medical curriculum.

Why Should You Choose a Research Internship?

  • In our courses, research techniques are taught but rarely applied. This internship will allow you to:
    • Become familiar with laboratory work and the various aspects of the role of a researcher;
    • Perfect the knowledge acquired during the sessions in a research area of ​​your choice;
    • Have the chance to travel and live an extraordinary cultural experience;
    • Meet medical students from all over the world;
    • Discover the world of research and improve your curriculum while having fun!

For any other information or question, please contact the national coordinator.