National Coordination

National Coordination

Each of the eight IFMSA-Quebec committees are directed by a national officer who is tasked with ensuring the management of their committee, supporting the local chapters of these committees on each campus and organizing activities on a national level that include students from all universities. National officers are elected by members during the spring congress.

Ikram Riad
National Officer of Global Health (NOGH)
[email protected]

Myriam Belaiche
National Officer of Public Health (NPO)
[email protected]

Romy Barbera
National Officer of Sexual Health and VIH/SIDA (NORA)
[email protected]

Gabriel Côté
National Officer of Rights and Peace (NORP)
[email protected]

Meriem Hammache
National Officer of Medical Education (NOME)
[email protected]

Laurie-Anne Bédard
National Exchange Officer
Incoming students (NEO-in)
[email protected]

Emmie Lamy
National Exchange Officer
Outgoing students (NEO-out)
[email protected]

Brendon Flores
National Officer of Research Exchanges
Incoming students (NORE-in)
[email protected]

Iulia Boinavu
National Officer of Research Exchanges
Outgoing students (NORE-out)
[email protected]

Catherine Perras
National Officer of Immersions (NOI)
[email protected]

Coordination of the FMSS-SCOI committee