Auteur : Webmestre

Day 5: goodbye

The last night of plenaries included topics such as where to host the next general assembly, the passing of policy statements on gay rights and officially closing out the meeting.  It really was an emotional night, with some disappointments but mostly a lot of team unity.  When India, a new country in the IFMSA announced…
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Day 4: current issues

This morning, I got to attend a discussion as part of the medical education standing committee.  Although the topics concerning research exchanges are very interesting, it was nice to see another aspect of IFMSA.  The discussion was on the lack of doctors in some less developed countries and in rural areas.  This discussion was quite…
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Half-way through: review of objectives

My first objective was to learn more about the goals and impact of research exchanges.  My meetings with my standing committee on research exchanges definitely helped me gain a better idea of the goals.  This was done through talking to students who have been taking part in these exchanges for a long time, and also…
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Day 3: a mingling of nations

The application form market is an event that takes place during every general assembly, where people in charge of research and clinical exchanges in each country get the chance to exchange documents to complete all of the students’ applications.  This might be the reason for the market, but in fact, it becomes a chance for…
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Day 2: procedure, procedure

Tonight was the first plenary session.  These are sessions similar to the ones in the United Nations, where important issues within IFMSA were discussed and countries voted to change or not the current rules and procedures in the committee.  It is also at this time that important decisions are made about the committee in charge…
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Day 1: information overload

It was the first official day of the MM, and it started bright and early.  Being the local officer for research exchanges, I attended – and will be attending all week – the research exchange session.  I was a little bit nervous going into it.  First, because I didn’t know anyone and have not been…
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Day 0: culture shock

Today is arrival day at the March Meeting (MM), in Accra.  Having arrived the night before, I decided to make it more of a visiting day, before the work and business of the MM kicked in.  A few of us decided to go to a market in Accra, and it was a really wonderful experience! …
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Day 5 – Channeling Our Inspiration

We started the session by tying all of the loose ends for our small working group presentations. I presented my work-up proposal and schematized version of the results of our discussion. I was really happy with our results, and hope that it will be used as a platform for future activity planning. We received good…
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Day 4 – Human Rights and the Media; Trainings

Today’s theme was centred on the use of presentation skills and tools in order to think critically about how the media portrays human rights violations. We were split into small working groups and were given local newspapers, and were then asked to find an article pertaining to the common theme of human rights violations. We…
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Day 3 – Taking It All In

Not quite sure how I managed to wake up early, but I did. I toured some parts of Accra with Meghan. It was pretty hard to get used to people trying to sell you toilet seats on the street, but a fun experience nonetheless. The taxi ride was something. I held on for dear life…
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Day 2 – Critical Thinking

Today was all about thinking critically. We were given an excellent workshop from the International Federation of Health and Human Rights Organizations. We were provided with hands-on tools for taking rights approach to health; with a focus on the right to health, right to freedom of discrimination, and right to participation. We were encouraged to…
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Day 1 – Knowledge

Today was all about gaining a comprehensive and global understanding of human rights, linking specific human rights violations to health disparities on the international scale, and learning about how to use human rights advocacy techniques in order to express these views and to drive social change. Starting from the basics was exactly what I needed…
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Day 0 – Arrival Day

Feeling nervous as ever. Even after all of the detailed and concrete pre-departure training, I still am not quite sure what the week has in store for me. Upon arrival at the airport, I learn that the connecting flight from MTL to NY is overbooked. As I hear the flight attendant call for volunteers to…
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Hello again. Here are my objectives for this year’s March Meeting in Ghana. Although less than two weeks away from the departure date (already?!), I am still quite uncertain as to what to expect, so these objectives are sure to be tweaked. Thanks for reading! Build longterm partnerships at the local and international levels by the…
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Hello everyone! My name is Arielle Elkrief, and I am a first year medical student at the University of Sherbrooke. This year’s March meeting will be my first general assembly experience. Exciting! My participation will be focused on the Standing Committee on Human Rights and Peace.  Since this is my first year of involvement with IFMSA,…
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Objectives – Elyse Perron

Since this is my first meeting and I don’t really know what to expect, there is a chance that my objectives will change slightly.  However, based on everything I have heard, here is what I think I can expect to accomplish: Gain a better understanding of the goals and impacts of research exchanges for students…
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Introduction – Elyse Perron

I am Elyse Perron, local officer for research exchanges (LORE) at the University of Sherbrooke.  This is my first year of medical school and therefore my first year of involvement in IFMSA Quebec.  As this is also my first general assembly, I am greatly looking forward to it!  I have heard a lot about them…
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Post – RM

Je voudrais profiter de l’occasion pour faire une suivi de mes objectifs. Mes objectifs étaient ceux-ci : Échanger avec le 23 autres membres des sessions SCORP d’ici le 11 janvier 2012. Je compte y arriver au travers des small working groupe et durant les quelques pauses que nous avons pendant la journée. Je peux dire…
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RM – Jour 4

Déjà la dernière journée du RM! C’est fou comment le temps passe vite en bonne compagnie. En matinée, j’ai eu droit à un atelier très passionnant de Nassima sur les types de leadership et sur les changements climatiques. En effet, nous avons parfois tendance à l’oublier, mais la santé est plus qu’intimement liée avec l’environnement…
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RM – Jour 3

Ce matin, c’était le Project Fair, où j’ai présenté In-Community. En après-midi, le SCORP avait une session conjointe avec SCORA. J’ai été assez déçue : un manque flagrant de contenu, un peu enfantin même.  Toutefois, j’ai pu continuer d’échanger avec les membres du SCORP. En soirée, j’ai assisté à deux conférences très intéressantes sur l’incidence…
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