Day 5: goodbye

Day 5: goodbye

The last night of plenaries included topics such as where to host the next general assembly, the passing of policy statements on gay rights and officially closing out the meeting.  It really was an emotional night, with some disappointments but mostly a lot of team unity.  When India, a new country in the IFMSA announced that they would like to host the assembly, there was a lot of support shown for this country, even though there could have been a lot of doubts.  Many countries had nice things to say about the organising committee here in Ghana, and it was very touching to see a whole delegation of students on their feet, rewarding their hard work.  However, countries were still torn about where we stand on gay rights, and it was the only time I had felt a sense of hostility in the plenary room.  Eventually however, the meeting ended with the official closing of the plenary, which marked the official end of the congress.  It also marked the time to say goodbye to the people that we had come to know quite well for the past week:   Colombian people I had met on the plane, Belgian people I had met on my first day, American people I had only met the day before, and many others.  People exchanged contact information, and promised to meet up once again at another IFMSA function.  I suppose all good things must come to an end, and so here we are, on my last day in Ghana, officially saying goodbye to the march meeting 2012.