Auteur : Claudel

All Things Human Rights

Good afternoon my belles and my beaus, Arielle reporting here from the plenary room in Baltimore. Today’s SCORP sessions started off with a session by the ever incredible and unique Fred, current Liaison Officer (LO) for UNESCO and candidate for Vice President of External Affairs (VPE) for IFMSA. Freddy taught us all about the right…
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Whirlwind of a Day

I asked for it. The business, the sleeplessness, the chaos! As busy as it was, this whirlwind of a first day proved to be very enlightening indeed. The SCORP sessions started off with a keynote address from Dr. Terry Mulligan, Emergency Physician with international experience in introducing and building of emergency medicine systems. This means…
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Why I’m Here

Hello readers, I am writing this entry feeling very invigorated at the Toronto airport. My flight to Baltimore takes off in a few hours, so here I am, just waiting for the journey to begin. But this entry is less about my apprehension and more about the why; so without further adieu, it is my…
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Hello readers, my name is Arielle and this is my first post as delegate for the 2013 March Meeting. Apparently a few words of introduction are in order. I am a second year student at the University of Sherbrooke, at the Saguenay campus, where I also have the pleasure of being campus coordinator for IFMSA-Québec.…
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Renewed and Back to Reality

It has been a mere few days since the end of the RM in El Salvador. I am back home in Montreal, back to classes, studying, snow and routine. From this point of view, the RM feels like a faraway dream. I had an unforgettable  time, met amazing friends from all over the Americas, learned…
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Time Flies

Time has flown this past week. I feel like only yesterday we were at the Pre-RM and in the blink of an eye, we are already two nights away from the end of the RM. This saddens me as I prepare myself to bid farewell to dear friends that I have come to know, and…
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Always Something New to Learn

It is 3:00am local time and Day 2 of the Pre-RM in El Salavador has come to a close. So much has already taken place and everyday there are new discoveries to be made, new wonders to behold and new things to learn.   I am taking part of the « Exchanges » session of…
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New Year Resolutions

2013 has arrived with warm sunlight reflecting off the sparkling white snow banks and the sting of a crisp winter breeze on my cheeks. What a beautiful start to what promises to be an exciting year! And with the heralding of every New Year, comes a fresh start, an opportunity to make changes, evolve and…
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A Great Adventure Awaits

I believe travelling is the best way to open our minds and our hearts to new ideas and possibilities. Travelling is how we meet people who are so very different from us in perspective, customs and traditions, but who with time and conversation, we discover are so fundamentally the same. We are human no matter…
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All good things come to an end…

Today is the last day of the general assembly. Last night I was in the plenary room with some of the people from the delegation until 5-6AM because the voting of the new team of officials was taking place. Then we all went to have some sleep as the hotel staff was setting up the…
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the GA at its best

Hello all, So yesterday was the first plenary session where the different countries where able to know the full story of the events with the organizing committee and the executive board of the IFMSA. It was a relieving moment and it is good to say that today, we are moving forward. Actually, today at noon…
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The Indian experience

Hey everyone, As many of you might know by now, the AM2012 event found itself in a really particular situation. Trainings and committee sessions are still happening while the higher level of administration are figuring out what to do with the present situation. The Indian experience was the slogan that was used to promote the…
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Day 2 – preGA going by pretty fast

Hello all, Yesterday was the first day of the preGA so it was a nice introduction to the facilities in Mumbai, the different delegations and the schedules that we would be following for both the pre-GA and the general assembly. I obviously got to speak with a lot of other officials from other countries who…
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Why should I go to the AM?

Here are some of the goals I want to accomplish during the congress: Network with the other VPE/NMO teams through NMO management sessions. Understand the exchanges rules and logistics. Actively participate in the different trainings and information sessions throughout the pre-GA and the GA by preparing well for the sessions and asking relevant questions. Find…
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Participation to the AM 2012

I am a first year medical student studying at McGill and I am the entering vice president of external affairs of IFMSA-Québec. I have been involved in the McGill community ever since I got into the premed program as vice president of social affairs and as ambassador with the faculty. My past work experiences includes…
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GA – Jour 5 – Fin de l’AG

Les deux dernières journées de l’AG ont été plus légère, beaucoup de travail, mais plus de moments pour reprendre son souffle et parler avec des collègues d’ailleurs dans le monde. Pour faire un retour sur mes objectifs, je crois que j’ai efficacement mené le TOT, mais surtout que j’ai appris beaucoup sur les changements qui…
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GA – Jour 3 – Changements aux Règlements internes

Le troisième jour de l’assemblée générale a un horaire allégé considérant l’absence de sessions des présidents et de sessions de comités le matin. La journée a donc débuté avec une rencontre avec les formateurs, la majorité de la présence était assurée par ceux qui avaient participé au TOT. Avant et après ce point dans l’horaire,…
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GA – Jour 2 – Travail intense

La deuxième journée de l’AG a été très rempli avec un agenda chargé et beaucoup de réunions surajoutées en dehors de l’agenda normal. Une grande part des réunions supplémentaires qui étaient rajoutées à l’horaire étaient au sujet de la réforme du SupCo qui était proposée par IFMSA-Québec. En effet, j’ai essayé de rencontrer le plus…
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GA – Jour 0 – Délégation complète

La journée d’arrivé à l’AG n’était pas contrairement à ce que je pensais, un moment de répit durant la réunion. En effet, nous avons continué les sessions du TOT durant la matinée parce qu’on nous a donné cette opportunité et nous voulions donner aux participants la formation la plus étendue possible. Le reste de la…
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Pre-GA Jour 3 – Presque la conclusion

La troisième journée est partie de bon train dès le début, et étant donné que nous avions prévu beaucoup de matériel pour la journée. Le niveau d’énergie n’était pas très haut, mais nous avons tout de même très bien pu couvrir le matériel prévu pour la journée et même mieux respecter l’horaire que les jours…
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