Day 2 – preGA going by pretty fast
Hello all,
Yesterday was the first day of the preGA so it was a nice introduction to the facilities in Mumbai, the different delegations and the schedules that we would be following for both the pre-GA and the general assembly. I obviously got to speak with a lot of other officials from other countries who were also in that context for the first time and build strong working and collaborating relations for the length of the preGA, the GA and throughout the year also.
Today was a much more condensed day, at least in the exchanges’ workshop, as we had more presentations tackling pre-departure training and going through the details of the contract signing procedures and methods. As VP External for the upcoming year, I thought it was important to really understand the exchange part. This is why I listed that as one of my goals as I think exchanges are one of the services that are the most popular and are also the bases of the IFMSA at the international level.
Tomorrow’s schedule will have more small working groups about specific issues that make the logistics of the exchange a bit hard and even harder when we are not face to face.
Hope to tell you a bit more tomorrow, oups today…