It started with me… (part 1)
This will be divided in 2 parts: first one will be on the last few days since my previous post (which I have failed to do during the GA itself, unfortunately) and the second will be a post-GA reflection on the experience.
Day 3: Arguably my favorite day of the GA! We started the day with the exchange fair, which also means we got to sleep an extra hour, a luxury only the lucky ones find during the GA. The exchange fair is the place where the countries hold a stand to promote their exchanges, distribute memorabilia and learn about the world. Unfortunately, I didn’t have a IFMSA-Quebec stamp, but I « SCOREME »d everyone I could find (ps: SCOREME is a joint session given by Tara and Alex during the GA on the topic of research in medical education). I had so many stamps on my arms that it passed as a tattoo sleeve from far. But it was the perfect time for me to enjoy the multicultural aspect of IFMSA meetings, which I have previously missed because I couldn’t go to the National Food and Drink Party.
That was also the day we had the cultural show, where participants from each country perform their best songs and dances. Needless to say, we procrastinated like we always do, but our performance turned out to be phenomenal: we lip-synced Celine Dion’s « My heart will go on » with an interpretative dance and a solo flute instrumental from Gabriel. The crowd loved it and we were completely floored by the response. Arguably my favorite night of the GA!
Day 4: We started off with a regional session, where all the participants from the Americas discussed issues concerning our region. I was more or less conscious throughout the whole thing given that the cultural show kept us up way too late. But in a nutshell: we have voted for Peru to be the next host of the RM (yay!) and showed the progress of the region in this first term of the regional assistants’ mandate, featuring our own superstar Aline, regional assistant of SCOPH for the Americas.
In the afternoon, they announced the results of the SCORE Supervising Board elections (ps: I ran for being a member): both Erick (former IFMSA-Mexico NORE) and I were elected! Hurray! Honestly I was quite in disbelief: never would I have thought, just 2 weeks ago, that I would get to be part of the international SCORE team. I was really happy for all the support I got from the NOREs present, and of course by my delegation who has always been behind me. Thank you guys so much, I promise to do my best! After our SCORE sessions, we had the famous joint session by Tara and Alex: it was top notch. Arguably the best prepared, researched and « evidence-based » workshop of the whole GA (I swear I’m not being biased here!) Nearly all participants were interested in pursuing this topic further. Congratulation guys!
Day 5 (last day): Arguably the craziest day(s?) in the GA. In the morning, it was training time with SCORE! I gave one on how to train a LORE or LORE training. While I didn’t expect to get many participants, I was actually really happy to see quite a few people interested in this topic. Even more surprised by the positive feedback I got from my training, which I initially feared would be too basic or easy for most participants there.
But once that was done, no time to waste: I had to meet my TMET partners to make the final preparations for our TMET graduation training on curriculum development. We finished just on time for our NMO hour, after which we gave our training. Still no time to waste after that: running back to SCORE sessions to facilitate presentations on SCORE events happening in the coming months. After more presentations, it was time to say goodbye to our dearest SCORE. But before that: SCORE blue picture and throwing the members of the international team into the freezing pool (yes that included me) as a tradition within the dark blue family. Then we were finally able to breathe and rest…
Just kidding! Plenary and closing ceremonies next. Another bittersweet moment, but also a beautiful moment when the whole IFMSA-Quebec delegation came back together again, full of new experiences and awesome memories, ready to flash our pretend-to-be-well-rested faces in front of cameras and spend our last night in Malta together.
To be continued