…it ended with us (part 2)

…it ended with us (part 2)

Needless to say, I did not sleep on the last night: partly because my flight was way too early to be even worth sleeping, partly because I wanted to solve my jet lag faster, but mostly because I wanted to enjoy the last few hours in Malta. Sadly, all good things come to an end.

The post-GA blues hit really hard during the first two days, but having massively spammed people to add me on all existent social media, I feel a tad better. Also swiss chocolate helps.

I want to reflect back on this experience by reviewing my pre-departure objectives:

1) Being a dutiful delegate for IFMSA-Québec: this implies being at sessions on time, encouraging our delegation through thick and thin, giving my best at the sessions and being there when your winter family needs you. Done! I have not always been on time unfortunately, but relative to other people, I was probably one of the first ones there. Anything, anything for my winter family #winteriscoming

2) Meeting new people and old friends: it’s kinda a given, but definitely one of the top things I’m looking forward to. DONE! SO MUCH DONE! But never enough, and I really hope to see them again someday!

3) Have a rocking awesome Exchange Fair stand: to wow everyone with our maple syrup and AQ (cc Tara, my other half) kinda done? I mean, we had a beautiful stand: lots of promotional material, pamphlets in multiple languages, amazing display…which was all gone within an hour. But I think people really enjoyed it, since I saw a couple of Montreal caps moving around the room.

4) Giving quality SWG and trainings: while I do not have prior experience in this, I do want the participants to enjoy the presentations, feel included in the discussions and leave with new knowledge and renewed motivation. Surprisingly done! Personally, I did not have very high expectations for myself on this matter, but it turned out to be better than imagined! Very encouraging for a new trainer like me.

5) Remain presentable and agreeable despite the lack of sleep and tiredness. VERY DEBATABLE. I think I was okay most of the time: especially the first few days, I was surprised that I could still hold up with 4, max 5 hours of sleep. But then in the middle it hit me really hard and I apologize to anyone I might have been rude to during my « moments ».

6) Have an awesome time, be open to novelties and maybe pick up a few news words 🙂 DEFINETELY! Minus maybe the new words part, which sadly I have not picked up too many…

I have probably already done this dozens of times but, I want to thank everyone in our winter family for creating this amazing experience for us all. Thank you for giving me this opportunity to completely demolish my confort zone, only to let me build a newer, better perspective of the world. I can’t wait until we all meet again!
