My goals
I have set a few goals for myself that I wish to accomplish during the assembly.
Related to the research exchange committee (SCORE):
– Discuss the new database. I want to make sure I understand all aspects of the database, but also, if the chance arises, I would like to make some suggestions for useful updates.
– Sign contracts. One of the main goals of the assembly is to sign contracts for the upcoming year. This year will be particularly difficult because of our new travel restrictions, but I hope to sign contracts in a variety of countries to give students in Quebec good internship opportunities.
– Discuss research projects and social program. These are areas that we are trying to implement in Quebec, so any advice or ideas would help a lot!
– Meet national officers from other countries. Contacts like these help a lot during the year, because we can then associate a face to the many e-mails we receive.
Related to IFMSA-Quebec in general:
– Help in the reform process. Being part of this delegation means I have a role to play in the decisions that will be taken with regards to the international federation. We will have many meetings regarding which positions IFMSA-Quebec wants to adopt and which motions we should put forward, and I will make sure to be informed and participate actively in the discussions.
– Give a good representation of the Quebec medical students. Let’s face it, we’re all pretty cool people, so let’s make the world see it!