What is sleep? Baby don’t hurt me
I can’t believe it’s already been a week since we left Quebec to land in Europe. Being in a IFMSA meetings is quite a whimsical feeling: we lose all notion of space, time and cultural barriers.
I’m currently multitasking: writing my 3rd blog while in plenary, listening to the presentations of potential candidate members. Experienced delegates have always told us horror stories of long plenaries with endless debates, but so far so good! I was pleasantly surprised by how efficient things are rolling right now, and hopefully it will continue this way!
We are currently at the end of day 2. Since the last blog, we went through the opening ceremony, which brought us all to this huge rustic, greek-ish looking palace where we unfortunately had to stand throughout the ceremony. But it was an absolutely amazing place and the perfect opportunity to meet new people and see old friends again.
On the first day, Tara and I actually started at 7:30, since we were helping out with the SCORE sessions. We started with the usual: introduction, energizers, speed-dating. Then I presented the NORE report analysis that I prepared along with Tara and we had small working groups. I coordinated one on the duration of exchanges, and although I was nervous because it was my first time facilitating, it went really well! I’m currently writing the outcomes, and hopefully we can actually continue working on this topic after the GA.
Today, we had the SCORE supervising board presentations and regulation changes voting. I had the chance to present my candidature, and with the new regulations, my candidature is officially valid! The results will be announced some time in the last few days, so watch out for that! We also had more small working groups today.
Overall, I think the GA experience so far is great, albeit quite tiring. I unfortunately missed the activities fair and national food and drink party yesterday night because of exhaustion, but I heard it was a great success and our delegation had great fun. The only criticism that I have is that I have not had as much contact with the other SCORE delegates as I hoped to, because I was mostly preparing things with the team. But hopefully that will change in the next 3 days (only 3 days left????)
Until next time!