Tanzania, here I come!
Dear readers,
My name is Alexa Eberle and I am a third year medical student at Université de Montréal. I was the NEO for the incomings this past school year and I will hold this position for another year. I am therefore going to be representing SCOPE at the August meeting in Arusha, Tanzania. I am very excited to participate in this meeting, namely because it will be the first general assembly for IFMSA where I get to sign contracts for IFMSA-Quebec at the contract fair. It is not my first GA however, since I attended the last March meeting in Budva, Montenegro. Having already attended an IFMSA general assembly, I am looking forward to seeing people that I have already met and meeting many new people.
Since the March meeting, I have been very involved in the clinical exchanges that we offer in Quebec since I am responsible for the incomings who arrive during the summer. My tasks included finding lodging for these students, organizing a social program, as well as exchanging countless emails with the other NEOs around the world.
Along with Elena Llenas (NEO-out), I have managed to organize the contracts for the contract fair. This process began mid-June when we sent our offers to the other countries, most of whom we signed with the previous year. However, we also tried to get contracts with new countries that we thought the students in Quebec would be interested in doing an exchange in. Throughout all of June, we have been updating our contract sheet as we got our acceptances and of course some refusals that we then tried to compromise with. This of course involved a lot of negotiation and there are still some NEOs with whom I will need to negotiate for contracts at this general assembly.
A few of my other objectives for this general assembly, besides signing the contracts for the exchanges, include promoting the amazing SCOPE exchanges that we offer in Quebec to the other representatives of SCOPE and meet with the other LEOs and NEOs to discover how SCOPE is different in other countries and what can be done in Quebec to further improve our exchange system.