Inspiring people + tons of energy + lack of sleep + lots of motivation and ideas = SCOPH SESSIONS!
March 7th, 2018.
After one intense week of encounters, activities, conferences and committee sessions, I can say that the March Meeting 2018 in Sahl Hasheesh, Egypt was the most inspiring experience I’ve ever had.
It was truly impressive to witness how all the SCOPH delegates from different countries were united by the same inspiration and motivation to make their public health systems better. I think the SCOPH sessions were a unique opportunity to watch passionate medical students collaborate towards common interest with such energy, while all bringing forward their own experiences and ambitions to come up with ideas to improve the impact we, as students, can have on our public health systems. Even if we do not all necessarily share the same issues or to different extends, we can always benefit from the experience of others. For instance, students from unstable countries have organized activities and projects facing some challenges and taking some factors into considerations that we may never have faced in a developed country such as Canada, and they can share how they worked on these with the rest of the delegates. Every different experience is relevant to share and that is what is beautiful about SCOPH: others learn from us, we learn from them, which creates unique exchanges.
From a global epidemics outbreak simulation to small working groups on developing new activities in our NMO and from sharing inputs on ways to improve SCOPH international work to sharing big (orange) SCOPHeroes hugs, the SCOPH international team worked hard to keep the sessions stimulating for the delegates. I felt so energized throughout the various sessions even with an impressively low amount of sleep and that is all thanks to the great session’s team.
I’m coming back to Quebec more inspired and motivated than ever to work with IFMSA and I cannot wait to continue getting involved with the different committees throughout my years as a medical student!