Europe, then and again

Europe, then and again

Before saying anything else, I will pass on a secret to you: Europe is like my third homeland, after Canada and China.

I have spent the last three summers in Europe, including this one, in Belgium. My Macbook on a white table, my eyes sometimes glancing outside, my vision plunged into the beautiful architecture and land of Brussels, I am contemplating my summer in Europe, first in Belgium, then a tour of Europe, before landing in Macedonia, where a great adventure awaits me. I did not hesitate to submit an application to be delegate of IFMSA-Québec a few months back then. The Old Continent and the thought of exchanging with other students, different than me in every aspect except for the love of medicine – perhaps overruling all of our differences – were the calling I needed to take part in the IFMSA August Meeting 2015 in Ohrid, Macedonia.

Enough said, let me present myself quickly, quickly because I am rather a simple person. I am a medical student at McGill University having just finished my first year, and my passions include guitar, swimming and badminton (and of course gastronomy, astronomy, travelling, nature, chess, …).

Here are my objectives for this General Assembly (GA). As you can see, they are written in simple words:

  • Meet medical students around the globe
  • Become more aware of relevant themes, especially around public health
  • Get inspired for my projects on organ donation and tobacco

I told you these were simple. I want you to understand what I want to do, so you can tell me what you think.