Days 1 and 2: time to set up
The first 2 days of the GA were mostly to set up the field for the big decisions to come. This is true for both the research exchanges and the reform. In my committee session, where I got to talk to everyone involved in research exchanges, it was time to talk contracts. It was a fun challenge to try and decide which countries students would like to go for an internship. It has also been fun to put a face to the NOREs with whom I’ve sent so many e-mails. The reform, of course, was a big talking point. I’ve decided to join a small working group on the reform and how it applies to the research exchange committee. For those who don’t know, a small working group is a group of only a few students that decide to work on a particular topic throughout the assembly. So far, we have had quite a few discussions on the mission, the values and the international organisation of the committee. It has been a very good working experience, and I’m looking forward to seeing how much we accomplish by the end of the assembly.
The entire delegation has also been thinking about the reform on a larger scale – the whole of IFMSA world. Claudel has been greatly involved in this effort, and her enthusiasm has been contagious. We have greatly discussed the structure of the leading body of the organisation, as well as the structure of the assemblies themselves. There have been some very interesting ideas and debates, and once again, I look forward to the conclusions that will be reached at the end of the assembly.
Goals accomplished:
– Database: we have now learnt how the database works and how to update all of our information and projects
– Contacts: I have been able to put a face to many e-mailed names, and it’s been great!
Interesting ideas from SCORE discussions:
– The use of a log book to improve academic quality (incoming students fill it out on a daily basis and give it back to us in the end, so we can evaluate the project)
– The use of a log book so our Universities can see what our students did on exchange (outgoing students fill it out on a daily basis and bring it back with them to show their home University)
– Create a new evaluation form that will focus on evaluating the projects, not just the country
– Talking about research and protecting intellectual property during the pre-departure training, so students can be ethical in their research procedures
– Giving the incoming students their invitation letter earlier to have less visa issues. Normally, the invitation letter only has to be given 8 weeks before the start of the exam, which is a little bit tight