Catégorie : SCORP – Droits humains

Summary of the Health and Human Rights Conference

Montréal, April 28, 2014 Summary of the Health and Human Rights Conference  On March 22, 2014, the Standing Committee of Human Rights and Peace ran the first Health and Human Rights conference sponsored by IFMSA-Québec at McGill.  The theme of the conference was “Beyond International borders: Advocating for Refugee health”; throughout the day we had…
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Only 12 days left, IN SOLIDARITY, WE STAND.

On the 8th November 2013 the Typhoon Haiyan hit the Philippines, second-deadliest typhoon on record. More than 4 000 dead and millions of displaced people. The needs for health, assistance and security were huge, so huge. But, the medical students from AMSA-Philippines decided to immediately create a new project to bring emergency kits to the population…
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Le Québec, terre d’asile ou terre hostile?

Jeudi soir par un temps des plus glacials, la motivation d’étudier les interleukines s’envolait peu à peu; la semaine avait été un peu moche. Jeudi soir, le vent coupait le souffle, le temps était terne, j’avais rendez-vous à 17h avec Dre Camille Gérin pour un stage d’observation à la clinique Migrants de Médecins du Monde.…
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