Auteur : Richly Tran

« Setting goals is the first step in turning the invisible into the visible » —Tony Robbins

July 31, 2018 It has been now 11 months I am holding the position of NORE (National Officer for Research Exchanges) of the IFMSA-Québec, which leaves me with one more to go before I finish my term. I have learned a lot. I have given a lot. I have to be honest and say that…
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When Ex(change) sessions SCORE your heart ❤ – Part 2

RM of the Americas 2018 – Day 5: The Plenary SimulationAt today’s session, Erwin, Larry and Paula made us do an exchange plenary simulation in order to prepare us for the March Meeting (which I will unfortunately not attend, boooh). First of all, we were separated in small groups and each of the groups had…
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When Ex(change) sessions SCORE your heart ❤ – Part 1

RM of the Americas 2018 – Day 4: The Exchange FairToday was the famous Exchange Fair! Yay!!! I prepared myself as best as I could beforehand by reflecting on the work the teams of IFMSA-Québec’s SCORE/SCOPE have done so far during our term and what we plan on doing by the end of the latter.…
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Des premières

Premier voyage de 2018.Première fois en Amérique du Sud.Premier meeting d’IFMSA. « Me voilà partie vers une nouvelle (petite) aventure! » me disais-je, mi-fébrile, mi-appréhensive, assise dans l’avion à Montréal. Après un peu plus d’une vingtaine d’heures d’avion, j’atterris à l’aéroport Silvio Pettirossi (Luque, Paraguay) à 9h45, heure locale. Regardant le soleil briller à travers le hublot,…
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