An amazing experience so far!
Dear readers,
My name is Alexa Eberle, I am a second year medical student at Université de Montréal and I am the NEO-in for IFMSA-Québec. I am proudly representing SCOPE for our delegation at this march meeting in Budva. It is so nice to arrive here and meet so many people that I have been exchanging countless emails with over the past few months for the SCOPE exchanges.
A few of my objectives for this general assembly include promoting the amazing SCOPE exchanges that we offer in Quebec to the other representatives of SCOPE and meet with the other LEOs and NEOs to discover how SCOPE is different in other countries and what can be done in Quebec to further improve our exchange system.
So far, there has been one SCOPE session this morning. We started off the session with an ice breaker to meet other people in the session and an introduction from the SCOPE international team. Then we had a few “sharing and caring” small group talks to hear about how other NMOs tackle various problems regarding the exchanges. Lastly, the members of the international team gave a few presentations. I am very pleased with how everything has been going so far and I am looking forward to the NFDP tonight! 🙂