A Little Bit About Myself

A Little Bit About Myself

Hello to all the readers out there! 🙂 My name is Peiyin Zhang and I am a second year medical student at Université Laval. Within IFMSA-Québec, I carry the role of a campus coordinator.
As most of you already guessed, I was born in China and I came to Quebec around the age of 13 with my parents. When I got admitted in medicine, I said to myself: I simply would like to do more out there than simply indulging myself in Harrison’s Principles of Medicine at the school library! I discovered IFMSA-Quebec through a good friend of mine and, since then, I fell in love with this organization that unites medical students all around the world. The equal access to medical care always sparked my interest and IFMSA has widened my horizons in global health. I feel so lucky to be involved within a dynamic organization that has the values of changing the visions of medical students at heart.
What is there to say about myself? Who am I really? I love eating ice cream and cheesecake while watching T-V and I love Asian dramas! I might not be able to recite all the Gram negative bacteria out there, but I could recite every line of the dramas and movies that I liked :). I enjoy spending time with my good friends and sharing a good laugh with them. In my spare time, I like to read, yes, read! I love classics and Jane Eyre is one of my favourite books. I have always known ever since I was a little child that my life would be an adventure. I have the heart of a brave and restless explorer. Somewhere within me, my heart is set in a journey, a journey yet to discover.

Peiyin 🙂

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