En route… To Mexico!

En route… To Mexico!

Hello everyone, my name is Bing, and I am your National Officer of Public Health. This will be my second IFMSA general assembly, however I still feel as if it were my first one. I can only expect the unexpected, hope to meet new people and maybe reconnect with previous friendships from AM2015. My purpose is simple: to bring back home fresh ideas ready to be implemented as of September 2016, where the IFMSA-Quebec Fall Congress will occur. Non communicable diseases? Mental health? Tobacco? Lots of things matter to me and to IFMSA-Quebec. Even though seven days in Mexico will not be enough, let’s make every day count.

I am also the IFMSA program coordinator on organ, tissue and marrow donation. It is a topic I absolutely love to work on and I will do my very best to promote it throughout the general assembly. One of the key presentations I will give will be about adding new stuff in the medical curriculum. If you ever wondered how you can add an hour on sexual health in your second year for instance, you will find my presentation highly relevant.

For now, I will close my eyes and enjoy the plane ride.